fredag 23. mars 2012

less to do

Finally, it gets a bit less to do! After days with school-related work from 8 till 12 hours each day, it feels really good to say that I have less to do, at least for a short period.

The last weeks I have really felt how it is to be a student. It might sound silly since I am in my 3th year, but it is really true. Quite often have I been irritated and frustrated about the lazy Norwegian school system. I have always loved to learn, and increasing my knowledge has in a long time been a big part of me, but unfortunately did I feel that the Norwegian system was not able to give me the challenge I wanted.
But yes, after 2,5 years in higher education I am for first time in my life at a university and I am slowly understanding what ‘University means’ – work your ass off!

So the last 1,5 weeks have I:
 Handed in three different papers,
 Had one book exam,
One speech (10 min),
One presentation (15-20 min), 
and two debates.

It is interesting for sure, but it also too much for me. I neither can dig in to the topic and really understand it nor be critical enough of my own work. For first time in my life I have taken an exam without being prepared. It might sound silly and it might also sound unimportant. My point is that this way of working somehow kills my inner eagerness for learning. On the other hand, am I sure that I will miss the system here. I will miss the possibility to actually have great teachers. Because they are GREAT! 

There are always advantages and disadvantages. However, this period here have thought me a lot, even if it kills some of my eagerness for learning, it has thought my lots of other aspects in life.

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