tirsdag 17. april 2012


Time is running.
This blog should have been updated weeks ago, but unfortunately it has not.

My first excuse is all I had to do. Last two-three weeks before eastern was insane hard. The university kept on giving me task to do and my social life went to zero while my ‘’nerdy life’’ went to thousand. It was plenty to do and the icing on the cake was that I was sick. Headache, stomach pain and general lack of energy, home sickness and a bit too much exercise did not make this situation good at all. But I made it. And it went pretty well. Got my first best grade during my stay here for my sport and media lecture exam. My speech went well and also the last debates. So all in all it had a good outcome. It ok to work hard when it gives results!

So after this stress period it felt really good to take some days of. It was time to go back to Norway to enjoy my eastern holiday. Felt good to leave the snow for some days and go home to spring weather. First part was spent home at my mum’s place and the second part with my boyfriend and London. Thereafter, short time back in Norway before returning to Jyväskylä.

So since I have been back I have finished one e-learning module (2 ects), and had visit from Norway.
Jyväskylä did not want to shine, so we spent most of the time indoor (read: shopping) and also did some “heavy” cultural touring.  Saturday was spent in Tampere where we saw the Muumin museum. The museum was smaller than expected but it was really nice and absolutely worth visiting.

So my upcoming plans now is learning, learning and learning. To say the weather is not a problem for my motivation now. Today it has been snowing the whole day so being inside is ok.

Belove you can see some pictures from the last periode. It is my super studymate, picture from lab, reason why I am safe, children floorball match, spring is coming and Jyväskylä by night.

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