lørdag 10. mars 2012

diary from week 10: tuesday

Tuesday 6th mars 2012
Another day with big school tasks. Today I had to take part of the debate “should internet be moderated”.  My preparations for this debate were not as good as it should have been, so I was really nervous before the debate started. On the other hand, I had my statements and was prepared to share and express them. After my opening speech I felt ok, and was somehow in the moment.

The weather was lovely today as yesterday. After lunch we went for a long walk on the lake and around the city centre ending up having coffee and cake out in the shiny, warming spring sun. The feeling of heating sun is amazing. I have never felt so pleased about being heated by the sun again after a long winter period. It is a feeling of success, and of new time to come. It really felt like a break trough for my stay here. Finally I feel a sort of adapted to this place. Finally!

After the long walk we went home for relaxing, before our next event: playing squash. I have never been so exhausted after playing before. The game run good, and we had a lot of good ball passes. A bit competition and speed felt really good after a slow and comforting day. To end a close to perfect day the day closed with a big, lightning moon.

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