torsdag 5. januar 2012

update :)

Hey people!

It somehow feels like it is time to share some pictures!

The days are basically filed with lectures and touring until now, so much special are not to tell. The days feel incredible long, and it feels quit exhausting to be here. So many impressions, new people and lots of stuff to care about. Hopefully it all well feel better as soon as my courses are ready and I start to make this new place as home.

Above you see the department for Sport and Health sciences. Unfortunately my main campus is undergoing a renovation, so it seems like I am going to have lectures around the whole campus area.

MY BABY! If you don't know elevators, stairs and poster/signs are my little baby. (in that way I mean I hate elevators and love stairs). When I saw the sign I felt this strange happiness I guess only nerds can feel :p

 Keskusta = center. And this is somehow in the middle between home and Agora (picture under).

 The nice bridge over Lake Jyväsjäri. 

Random picture from the city. The stairs goes to the park Harju. Not been there yet, but it can be a part of my route between home and school.

 Not all words are difficult to understand ;)

 My ''lovely'' bathroom. Please notice the small shower-thing next to the sink. This seems to be common here in Finland, but I haven't figured out what's the right use of it. Any idea?

 the normal shower... 

 The hallway..

And my messy room. I have no places to but my stuff yet. Hopefully I will find a sort of system in the end :P

kiitos paljon!  (mange takk)

1 kommentar:

  1. Very cool update Solveig! I enjoyed reading it :D
    The tiny shower head in Finnish bathrooms is for hygienic use.
    Hint 1. You use it to wash something
    Hint 2. Its always situated next to the toilet
