søndag 29. januar 2012

mid-term exam in suomi on thursday!

Here is some of the word and phrases i have to learn untill thursday! Good luck, enjoy and so on ;)

 Solveig lærer finsk
Hei, moi, terve…                                                                            hei
Moi moi, moikka, moippa                                                                bye
Mitä kuuluu?                                                                                   How are you?
Hyvää, kiitos                                                                                    i’m fine, thanks.
Entäs sulle?                                                                                      How about you?
Ei mitään erikoista                                                                         nothing special.
Mikä sun nimi on?                                                                         Whats your name?
Mun nimi on Solveig                                                                     Jeg heter Solveig
Minkämaalainen sä oot?                                                            Which nationality are you?        
Mä oon norjalainen.                                                                     I’m norwegian
Kunika vanha sä oot?                                                                   How old are you?
Mä oon 22(kaksikymmentäkaksi)vuotta vanha                i’m 22 years old.
Mitä kieliä sä puhut?                                                                    What language do you speak?
Mä puhun norjaa ja saksaa ja enlandiaa.                             I speak norwegian and german
Mitä sä opiskelet?                                                                         What do you study?
Mä opiskelen liikuntaa ja terveystidettä.                            I’m studying sport and health scienses.
Anteeksi, mitä?                                                                                              Sorry what did you say?
Mä en ymmärrä.                                                                            I don’t understand.
Mä en puhu suomea.                                                                  I don’t speak finish
Puhutko sä englantiä?                                                                 Do you speak english?
Joo (jå)                                                                                               yes
Ei                                                                                                          no
Huomenta!                                                                                      Good morning.
Hyvää yötä!                                                                                      Good night!
Hyvää vikonloppua!                                                                      Have a nice weekende
Kiitos samion                                                                                   thanks, you too!
Hei hei soitellaan                                                                           let’s call (keep in touch)
Kiitos käynnistä                                                                                              thanks for visiting
Ole hyvää                                                                                          here you are
Ei kistä                                                                                                no problem (it’s nothing)
Ei sä mitään                                                                                      it’s ok
Tervetuloa                                                                                        welcome
Tässä on…                                                                                         here is…
Mä olen                                                                                             i am
Anteeksi, että mä olen myöhässä!                                         Sorry i’m late.
Vähän                                                                                                 little
Tässä, ole hyvää!                                                                           Here you are.
Mikä                                                                                                    what?
Tänään on                                                                                         toaday
Bileet                                                                                                  party
Perjantaina                                                                                      on Friday
Voitko toistaa                                                                                  can you repeat?
Onks sulla kello?                                                                            Whats the time?
Missä sä asut?                                                                                 Where do you live?
Nahdään maanantai                                                                     cu you on Monday
Maantantai                                                                                      Monday
Tiistai                                                                                                  Tuesday
Keskiviikko                                                                                       wednsday
Torstai                                                                                                thurday
Perjantai                                                                                           Friday
Lauantai                                                                                             Saturday
Sunnuntai                                                                                         Sunday

I have a dream!

One of my courses here are Public Speech and Debate. The aim of the course is to improve and learn the skills for holding speeches and to attend to debates.
I think this is the course which will give me knowledge and skills I will need whatever I and up as. If I end up as teacher, a health care adviser, a scientist, a personal trainer, a product developer or something totally different. In any case I will need to be able to reach you with my words, I will need to be able to make you believe me, and I will need to trust my own skills. 

Attending to this course feel somehow like the best decision I have made so far.

Homework of this week was to watch this speech:  M. Luther King’s speech from august 28th, 1963.

fredag 27. januar 2012

First day in the lab!

Today I had my first out of four lab demos. Honestly, the class itself was not too good, and I’ve tried to ask myself what I learned. ...and my outcome seems to be more personal orientated than knowledge orientated: I am a geek in Finland, just like I am a geek back home.

The laboratory demo today was the second class in my 3 ECTS course: Assessing functional capacity. Hopefully I will gain more knowledge and obtain more laboratory experience about how to carry out different tests for different target groups.

So, enough half serious talk.

Okey, here are some of my “symptoms” for why i still consider myself as a geek.
My first thought when i entered the lab was:
Holly molly, so much cool stuff!!!

In front of me there was one hospital bed with a kind helmet uses when for instance measuring oxygen consumptions. It looks like something who was stolen from E.T the movie, or that an alien had brought there. But still my thought was: Cool!
It was also a EKG and heart scanner or something located in the room. I think i was used to look at the structure of the heart. And there was also an ergo meter bike, lots of cables and in general it was just like a real lab should be.

Below you can see some pictures of the class. Sorry for the bad quality. 


onsdag 25. januar 2012

The perfect way to learn Suomi?

Today I finally bought a sumoi norja suomi-dictionary. So: Let the learning begin! 

And now I found one perfect and funny goal: In the end of my stay I should be able to sing the Muumin-theme song!

Below you will first find the Norwegian (norjan ?) version, and next the suomi version (toisinto ?) and the third and final version in german. Enjoy! 

Please let me know if it is something you want to know, if it is a lack of some basic update or anything.

torsdag 19. januar 2012

Want to study abroad?

Dear friends!

Planning or thinking about study abroad? 
Here are some advice and experiences I have made after three weeks in Finland.

# 1) DO IT!

# 2) Make sure you have control over all your papers before you leave home! For instance: scholarship papers. ...say no more...

#3) Be sure you have at least two bank cards. It might be that you don't understand the ATM and you suddenly don't have any card.

# 4) Try to learn the language. 

# 5) Try as much new activities, hobbies, drinks, food etc. as possible. 

# 6) again: DO IT!

# 7) Bring something that reminds you of home. Flag, picture etc.

# 8) Exercise. It probably will help you trough the stress period, when everything are chaotic, and you are in the "stress and shock"-period.

"do what you like. like what you do. optimism can take you anywhere. life is good."

onsdag 18. januar 2012

i want to ride (my) bicycle

Short message form Jyväskylä:
Grab a bike!

Unfortunately I don’t have a bike yet. I will really try to find a cheap one soon. Finally my grant and money from lånekassa has arrived, so then actually has enough money to buy a bike. It starts to be a bit annoying to walk when everyone ride their bikes.
And if you wonder: the pictures are taken around here in Kortepohja student village.

•        If you don’t have a bike - walk! If you don’t walk - run!

mandag 9. januar 2012

My new favourite sport: Floorball

On Sunday I went to see my first floorball match ever. And it was not a regular boring floorball match, such as those you see at high school or so. This, this was 1. League in Finland! If you don't know, Finland is one of the very best countries when it comes to floorball. 

So I and four other exchange students went to this game (thanks to Minko for the great idea and information about the match). 

Under you can find a sort clip from the warm up period. The atmosphere was unbelievable. 

I am somehow out of word to describe the big happening. But one thing I can say for sure: I will be there again, again and again to see this guys playing. 

So that was yesterday. 

Today was my first "official" day at school. I have to say that I am quite proud of myself since were there in time. My alarm clock was set to 06.15 am, and my day started at 08.15 am. and in between there I had a 35 min long walk from Kortepohja to Agora (think i have posted pictures of it earlier). 4 hours with English basic skills was not the worst start of my time here in Jyväskylä. In the end of the week I will be done with my first course here, and I will have collected the 2 first of 30 ECTS here at JYU. Yehooo!

After the lecture I went for a walk in the city with friends, ate lunch (for only 2,45 EUR!!!) and then I played floorball whit other ESN students. It was lots of fun and absolutely exhausting! I am looking forward to keep up with this game while I am here, but also when I am back in Norway. Tomorrow I guess I will see if I can find and maybe buy my fist stick! 

Oh holly molly! Fun, fun, fun!!!  :D 


torsdag 5. januar 2012

update :)

Hey people!

It somehow feels like it is time to share some pictures!

The days are basically filed with lectures and touring until now, so much special are not to tell. The days feel incredible long, and it feels quit exhausting to be here. So many impressions, new people and lots of stuff to care about. Hopefully it all well feel better as soon as my courses are ready and I start to make this new place as home.

Above you see the department for Sport and Health sciences. Unfortunately my main campus is undergoing a renovation, so it seems like I am going to have lectures around the whole campus area.

MY BABY! If you don't know elevators, stairs and poster/signs are my little baby. (in that way I mean I hate elevators and love stairs). When I saw the sign I felt this strange happiness I guess only nerds can feel :p

 Keskusta = center. And this is somehow in the middle between home and Agora (picture under).

 The nice bridge over Lake Jyväsjäri. 

Random picture from the city. The stairs goes to the park Harju. Not been there yet, but it can be a part of my route between home and school.

 Not all words are difficult to understand ;)

 My ''lovely'' bathroom. Please notice the small shower-thing next to the sink. This seems to be common here in Finland, but I haven't figured out what's the right use of it. Any idea?

 the normal shower... 

 The hallway..

And my messy room. I have no places to but my stuff yet. Hopefully I will find a sort of system in the end :P

kiitos paljon!  (mange takk)

tirsdag 3. januar 2012

På plass!

Nå er jeg på plass i Jyväskylä, og til og med unnagjort første dag med skolelignende forelesninger.

Hybelen min er kanskje noe av det styggeste jeg har sett... Redd det kommer til å ta litt tid for å bli vant til det her. Men med noen bilder opp på veggen snart vil det nok bli greit etterhvert. I dag fikk jeg tak i gardiner, -det hjalp litt hvertfall!

blokka jeg bor i Kortepohja ligger helt supert til for slike joggeglade mennesker som meg. Lysløype som går i alle bauer og kanter rett utenfor. Det var faktisk så greit å finne fram at jeg fant veien hjem også.

Hatt omvisning rundt på kampusområdet i dag. Det er "litt" større en campus i Sogdal for å si det sånn, men det skal vel være mulig å finne fram. Selve byggene er enorme og generelt ganske fine. Og det beste er at det er varm lønsj for bare 2,45 euro. Det er jo nada! Jeg hadde forventet at matprisene skulle være lavere her enn hjemme, men de ser ut til å være ganske det samme, om ikke enda litt dyrere.

Fra hva jeg har rukket å se så langt virker det som det skal bli et veldig bra og lærerik halvår.
For eksempel har jeg lært at jeg må putte bankkortet mitt i rett sprekk i minibanken... ...for ellers tar den kortet... Så da er det vel bare å vente noen uker før det dukker opp et nytt kort i posten.

näkemiin! (hadet)