fredag 23. mars 2012

less to do

Finally, it gets a bit less to do! After days with school-related work from 8 till 12 hours each day, it feels really good to say that I have less to do, at least for a short period.

The last weeks I have really felt how it is to be a student. It might sound silly since I am in my 3th year, but it is really true. Quite often have I been irritated and frustrated about the lazy Norwegian school system. I have always loved to learn, and increasing my knowledge has in a long time been a big part of me, but unfortunately did I feel that the Norwegian system was not able to give me the challenge I wanted.
But yes, after 2,5 years in higher education I am for first time in my life at a university and I am slowly understanding what ‘University means’ – work your ass off!

So the last 1,5 weeks have I:
 Handed in three different papers,
 Had one book exam,
One speech (10 min),
One presentation (15-20 min), 
and two debates.

It is interesting for sure, but it also too much for me. I neither can dig in to the topic and really understand it nor be critical enough of my own work. For first time in my life I have taken an exam without being prepared. It might sound silly and it might also sound unimportant. My point is that this way of working somehow kills my inner eagerness for learning. On the other hand, am I sure that I will miss the system here. I will miss the possibility to actually have great teachers. Because they are GREAT! 

There are always advantages and disadvantages. However, this period here have thought me a lot, even if it kills some of my eagerness for learning, it has thought my lots of other aspects in life.

lørdag 10. mars 2012

diary from week 10: wednesday

Wednesday 7th mars 2012
I got up at 6:30. 6:30 has never felt so early.  I felt like a walking zombie on my way to school. When I came to school I realised that I did not know where I had to go. I knew for sure the room name, but I had no clue where the room was located. After some confusing look at the building map I slowly located the room. Still really tired, and a bit pissed off after all map-challenge in the morning I tried to start focusing on the lecture. The system here with 2 hours before brake feels like ages! My normal 45 min classes back in Norway feels like primary school compared to this. Trying hardly to focus on the lecture, write some notes and be active at the same time is one of my biggest challenges here. The time of the day does not make the challenge easier... In the end of the lecture I really opened my eyes and sad to myself that this will be a quite interesting course. I love the feeling of earn new knowledge, especially if it includes myself growing as person and gives me a wider view of my surroundings.

In the afternoon I participated in an extra skating class. We went tour skating on the lake. The sun was perfect, again, and this was another great experience of Jyväskylä, that I made during these three days. However, the ice was not of perfect shape, but the event itself was really good. And I really understand why it is always so many people out on the ice. Tour skating is really a great recreation activity. 

 The ice, the ice track and skitrack! ooh what lovely active people living here!

In the evening I spent the hours with my dear boyfriend eating pizza and playing billiard.  The pizzas from Sebasitan’s are something I will carry with me for the rest of my life.  While we were there it was karaoke. I will never understand why people do such a thing. However, it is kind of entertainment. Not necessary good, but it is for sure entertaining to even listen to people who cannot sing at all.

diary from week 10: tuesday

Tuesday 6th mars 2012
Another day with big school tasks. Today I had to take part of the debate “should internet be moderated”.  My preparations for this debate were not as good as it should have been, so I was really nervous before the debate started. On the other hand, I had my statements and was prepared to share and express them. After my opening speech I felt ok, and was somehow in the moment.

The weather was lovely today as yesterday. After lunch we went for a long walk on the lake and around the city centre ending up having coffee and cake out in the shiny, warming spring sun. The feeling of heating sun is amazing. I have never felt so pleased about being heated by the sun again after a long winter period. It is a feeling of success, and of new time to come. It really felt like a break trough for my stay here. Finally I feel a sort of adapted to this place. Finally!

After the long walk we went home for relaxing, before our next event: playing squash. I have never been so exhausted after playing before. The game run good, and we had a lot of good ball passes. A bit competition and speed felt really good after a slow and comforting day. To end a close to perfect day the day closed with a big, lightning moon.

diary from week 10: monday

This was my homework for my easiest English course. Because of the lack of updates I want to share it with you :)  The task was to write a three day diary from the last two weeks. What was better than chose three of the days when my boyfriend was here?

Monday 5th mars 2012
I expected the day to be really busy and stressful.  Friday evening my boyfriend arrived for a one week long stay. Which are great, except the fact that I have a lot of school work to do this week, and we cannot spend as much time together as wanted. Anyway, today I had a day approximate as expected. Started with my English communication class from 8 am -10 am. So tired. Today I had to hold my presentation, and I must admit that giving presentation is far from my number one action to do. Especially when it had to be given in English. However, I survived and it went better then I even had dreamed of.

Next step of was my public speech and debate class where I had to be the chairman for one of the two 40 min debates we had to do. The class itself is great, but on the other hand I lose some of my confident of speaking when the level are so high and it is expected from me use word and phrases over my head. Again, it went pretty well, and most important of it all: I survived!

Third and last class of the day was my skating class. Today we played ice hockey wearing all the equipment the players usually use. This was easily the high light of the day.  90 minutes in a hockey player’s world. 90 minutes in a childish dream world. And the best part of the whole happening was that my boyfriend was allowed to attend to the class. This made the possibility to have some light fight without deeper harm or injuries.
Rest of the day went on to enjoy the beautiful spring weather, wearing sunglasses and let the good time flow.  

the whole group

Happy face!