fredag 10. februar 2012

Today i got up at 06.50...

...for nothing!

Last week I registered for Big and small talk about Finland, a course offered by the language centre here at JYU (Jyväskylä University). Previous the same day as I registered I received a mail about a cancelation of one of my other courses. So I really need to gain some more credits.

So I went to this webpage,

This is the place I sign up for all my courses and exams, and I find all the information about where and when I have to be. A so-called calendar.  Last Friday I received the mail about the cancelation of Sport in Finland, the same day was the first class for Big and small talk about Finland. And there I was later in the day, reading the mail that my course was cancelled just few hours after the other course had started. One big difference here at JYU compared to my home university college HISF, was that you have to be presented in all class. Or at least the first class. And during the course you can maximum miss three or four classes, depending how many credits it is worth. It is really important to be presented in the first class, because then you can get a seat in the class even if you are listed in the waiting list – just because some other did not show up. And at Friday around two a clock Korrpi had sat the course status as full. So in my need for credits I wrote an e-mail to the teacher and ask if it was possible to attend. Because on other thing should be told about Korppi, where you are placed in the list depends on your credits, and for some reason I was listed as number 17/24.  In a short minute I thought maybe it was possible to get in. But then again the teacher answered no. 

But I really need the credits! So I answered her e-mail, and asked if it was possible to take the course if someone cancelled their registration. No answer.

This morning I sat my clock to 06.50 to be presented in class. I biked 15 minute in -29 degree.  I am not a person who gives up. So I just had to try. I mean: how can the teacher say no to a student who voluntary shows up in class early in the morning?

But then again, no – THE CLASS IS FULL!! She was almost angry. Really. I felt horrible. At least, horrible cold.  And then I had to bike 15 min home, and I must say it did not feel any warmer. My bike do not seems to like the cold weather either, it feels like biking uphill all the time...

Anyway, I tried! I really tried! And that was my aim to day. Just tell you to try!  

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