mandag 27. februar 2012


This is what I lately have been doing in my skating class:

Ringette is a very funny game played on ice. It is somehow similar to ice hockey, rinkbandy and bandy. From my point of view I think this is an easier game to play. The game forces you to pass the ring often (always have to pass over the blue lines), and due to this the game is a good team game. Another great thing is that it does not hurt due to the soft ring.  Last thing I want to mention is that you do not have to handle a "heavy" puck. So for person like me, with no power in arms, this is a really good option. You just have to try this game. If I end up as a gym teacher I will keep in mind this game, it is close to the perfect school game!

I was uncertain if I should attend to this course since I previously competed in speed skating and most likely had a bit over average skating skills.  But I am so glad I decided to take it. It is really funny, I finally can be on ice again, I can play games I have never played before and it is really a good exercise in a busy student life. 


We have spring weather! 
Sun glasses on, time to get out and run ;)

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