tirsdag 28. februar 2012

Figure skating

In todays skating class we had to make a short dance with the techniques we have learned so far during the course!  It was really funny. I am the first from the left side. Enjoy!

self-service automat

It is time to introduce something typical Finnish. Maybe you find it in other countries as well, but that is beyond my knowledge.

So today’s introduction will be something you most likely have to deal with when you go grocery shopping: the self service automat.  You will find next to the vegetables and other products which not have an exactly weight, for instance apples, oranges, cucumber, candy and so on.

This was one of the first things my tutor mentioned when we went grocery shopping the very first day here in Jyväskylä. You have to remember to find put the sticker on! The sticker makes the job much easier for the cashier, since they do not have to remember all the codes for the food.

To be sure you pay the right prize you have to remember the number you find on the prize sign, walk to the automat and hopefully still remembering it. I have to admit that I really do not know how many times I have forgotten the number. But, I have always remembered to put the sticker on. What so ever if I have walked back and forth between the food and the automat because I forgot the number...

You should keep in mind that it is really important to push the correct button otherwise you can end up paying more than necessary!

mandag 27. februar 2012


This is what I lately have been doing in my skating class:

Ringette is a very funny game played on ice. It is somehow similar to ice hockey, rinkbandy and bandy. From my point of view I think this is an easier game to play. The game forces you to pass the ring often (always have to pass over the blue lines), and due to this the game is a good team game. Another great thing is that it does not hurt due to the soft ring.  Last thing I want to mention is that you do not have to handle a "heavy" puck. So for person like me, with no power in arms, this is a really good option. You just have to try this game. If I end up as a gym teacher I will keep in mind this game, it is close to the perfect school game!

I was uncertain if I should attend to this course since I previously competed in speed skating and most likely had a bit over average skating skills.  But I am so glad I decided to take it. It is really funny, I finally can be on ice again, I can play games I have never played before and it is really a good exercise in a busy student life. 


We have spring weather! 
Sun glasses on, time to get out and run ;)

torsdag 23. februar 2012

This week... so far.

Last week I spent in Norway. Somehow this feels like the best week ever in my life. It was absolutely necessary to go home. I’m not saying I’m not having a good time here in Jyväskylä, but being back home seeing friends, boyfriend and family was hilarious! Thanks everyone for making the week so great!

So Sunday evening I headed back to Jyväskylä. My flight was suppose to arrive 00.30, but was late because of snow and wind. I think I was back in my room 01.45. After 8 hours travel I must admit I felt asleep quite fast and slept for almost 5 hours.

Monday morning 08.15 I had my first class, and my last class was done 15.30. That’s what I call a long day. I think I slept the rest of the evening.

Tuesday became a busy and sporty day. From the very beginning of the day I was a bit late. Left home 5-10 minutes later than normal. On my way locking my bike out I realised I had forgot my key card. In other word, I was neither able to lock my bike out nor go back my key card out of my room. I had locked myself outside. The system here is that I need my key card to open the door to my shared flat, and then a regular key to open the door to my room.
So there I was, late, pissed off, tired and a 15-20 minutes run in front of me. I had to be in time to the class, so walking was really not an option when it would have taken around 40 minutes.

I was in the classroom 10.14. Now and then it is ok to have some cardio fitness! I have to admit that I was quite sweaty, but I was presented in time! So after class I had to run to the next class, which was located 15-20 min walk from where I was. And I was suppose to held the warm up for the skating class, so again I had to be there in time. Puuh... ...again I managed to be there, and even with some minutes to relax. So when this class was done I had to run for the last class of the day. Now only 10 minutes to walk. The teacher was late, so I was there in time again. Or not in time, but before the teacher!
So at this time it is 7 hours and 30 minutes since last meal. I started do feel quite shaky.

I started on my walk back home, hoping my roommate was already at home and could open the entrance door. ...and she was! Happy face!

Wednesday was spent on reading/learning Finnish.

Because today I had my final Finnish exam. I felt I was ok prepared. But under the test I felt totally lost. The listening part was awful. She spoke so fast. I don’t know what to think, but hopefully and most likely I passed. I have no other choice then wait and see. The only thing I know for sure is that I know more Finnish then the test alone tells.

Below you find an interesting movie we discussed in my public speech and debate class.


Jacob Sutton’s L.E.D. Surfer on Nowness.com.

søndag 12. februar 2012


No pain, no gain!

Blisters on both ancles after yesterdays skitrip! Yammi!

lørdag 11. februar 2012

First skitrip

Today I went cross-country skiing.
It was really nice. Only -7 and now and then almost sun. Great!

Here you can see all details if you are interested.


fredag 10. februar 2012

Today i got up at 06.50...

...for nothing!

Last week I registered for Big and small talk about Finland, a course offered by the language centre here at JYU (Jyväskylä University). Previous the same day as I registered I received a mail about a cancelation of one of my other courses. So I really need to gain some more credits.

So I went to this webpage,

This is the place I sign up for all my courses and exams, and I find all the information about where and when I have to be. A so-called calendar.  Last Friday I received the mail about the cancelation of Sport in Finland, the same day was the first class for Big and small talk about Finland. And there I was later in the day, reading the mail that my course was cancelled just few hours after the other course had started. One big difference here at JYU compared to my home university college HISF, was that you have to be presented in all class. Or at least the first class. And during the course you can maximum miss three or four classes, depending how many credits it is worth. It is really important to be presented in the first class, because then you can get a seat in the class even if you are listed in the waiting list – just because some other did not show up. And at Friday around two a clock Korrpi had sat the course status as full. So in my need for credits I wrote an e-mail to the teacher and ask if it was possible to attend. Because on other thing should be told about Korppi, where you are placed in the list depends on your credits, and for some reason I was listed as number 17/24.  In a short minute I thought maybe it was possible to get in. But then again the teacher answered no. 

But I really need the credits! So I answered her e-mail, and asked if it was possible to take the course if someone cancelled their registration. No answer.

This morning I sat my clock to 06.50 to be presented in class. I biked 15 minute in -29 degree.  I am not a person who gives up. So I just had to try. I mean: how can the teacher say no to a student who voluntary shows up in class early in the morning?

But then again, no – THE CLASS IS FULL!! She was almost angry. Really. I felt horrible. At least, horrible cold.  And then I had to bike 15 min home, and I must say it did not feel any warmer. My bike do not seems to like the cold weather either, it feels like biking uphill all the time...

Anyway, I tried! I really tried! And that was my aim to day. Just tell you to try!  

tirsdag 7. februar 2012


From the Agora building. Somthing tells me that i might be one or two in engeneers here.

Picture from lake Jyväsjärvi


 The main shopping street.. or also: the main street. In the end you kan se Koppasii, live streaming here.
still the main street.

 The F-building. 
 View from F-building.

on my way home after playing squash. =)

onsdag 1. februar 2012

..get my stuff done!

I have so much to do. ..i should write a blog post, ...so i can focus on my stuff afterwords.

Anyone who suddenly got a new diagnosis? ;)

 Really, i have lots of thing to do:
2 pg lecture notes
2 pg essay for my english communication 1 course
15 min presentation for the same course
15 - 20 min speech for my public speech and debate course
5 pg essay for my  assessing functionalt capacity course

i miss the lazy norwegian school! 

Pictures from Seminaarinmäki

Have too much to do nowadays.
So I think I will buy myself out of the situation with posting some pictures taken this morning.

This is where I mainly have my language courses.

 My 2,45 euro meal!!  Say no more!