søndag 3. juni 2012


What I love about Finland is all the sport you can do and see. One of the sports that really have interested me while I have been here is Finnish baseball, or pesäpallo in Finnish. Today I finally went to see. 

The game has much in common with "normal" baseball, but it is much more tactical. Read more about pesäpallo here.

Under you find some pictures and videos form today's match Kiri vs koskenkorva.

Before the match get started.

things are happening..

referees and "ball boys"

the game is on :D
Kiri (jyväskylä) in blue.

It was a fun evening, and something you all should see if you visit Finland!

lørdag 2. juni 2012

everything comes to an end

So, last class is done, and very soon done with my last written assignment. After 37 ECTS (+15 ECTS at home uni.), I count myself as done with learning for this semester. My originally plan was to also have one course next week, but since I do not need the credits I ended up saying enough is enough.

The last weeks have been the greatest weeks here. I have met a lot of new, lovely people. And the the weather have over all been quite good. When I entered summer school I was really tired of learning, but the courses the last two weeks have been great. Lectures program and over all learning outcome have been just great.

Yesterday I had a wonderful night out with friends. We started our night at Rentukka (a summer hotel/ bar) in my student village reopened after a longer time of renovating. Next step was to head for city and play snooker. This was my very first time in life playing snooker, so I will not say I did well, but I hit some balls and gained some point. The most important part is that it was great to play, and great time spent with friends!

Upcoming week I will collect all my papers, say a lot of ‘good byes’ and generally prepare myself for heading back to Norway.   

ps: for summer school a group of students form Norwegian school of sport sciences arrived! So after being the only Norwegian here, we are now a group of 7 or 8. And here comes the crazy part: one of them I have been competing against (speed skating) for years! Tellus is a funny plays to be ;)


søndag 27. mai 2012


This week was my first at summer school. I have learned a lot, but oh my how much is it to do. But howerver how much is it to do, I finally feel I have a learning outcome as expected. Finally I feel like I am at the best university for sport and health sciences!  Had visitor lectures for Loeven, Belgium, and Brussel.

But also other things happen around here. Summer have arrived, and I cannot say how great summer feel here. People change and it all feels lovely out there. The gray, silent city are now crowded by lots of happy people. The city are not gray either, it is green - really green!

The sad part of the week was that now as good as all my people here are gone. But meeting new great people through summer school.

As one of the latest things I did with one of my friends was to go to Harju. Harju is a observation tower on a hill with the same name. From the top of the tower I took some pictures and below I will try to tell you more about where things are in this city.

Above you can see where i live. This is kind of a student village. The arrow points out the direction to University.

This is picture over the city center. Or at least part of it. You can also see a part Jyväsjärvi, which is the lake I went skating on.

The lake is still Jyväsjärvi. University is divided in at least three parts. Ylistö is the circle in the middle. If i remember right this is where typical "lab" courses are hold. such as chemistry. The next circle (the middle circle) is Mattilanniemi. This is where i had all my public speech class. The final circle is at Seminaarinmäki. This area is big an a lot of buildings. I think all of them are designed by Alvar Aalto.


søndag 20. mai 2012

summer school

I am back in Jyväskylä after one week in Norway since I had one exam that had to be done.

The spring and summer realy arrived while I was gone. Right now it is lovely weather and the city and surroundings look really nice.

Next three week I will attend to the international summer school.
I will participate in these three courses:
Organization and Role of Sport in the EU and its Member States
Psychology of Sport and Exercise Injuries
Sport and Health in Finnish Society

Looking forward too see how this will work out. Quite busy days, with courses from 9-16 each day. pjuh..

Finally I will like to attache a link to a video of Jyväskylä. enjoy!


lørdag 28. april 2012

Aika mennä museoon!

During the last two weeks I have seen and learned a lot more about Jyväskylä. As a part of my Each One Teach One-program have we been at different museums and locations.

It is a lot of things to see and do around here, and I am a bit mad at myself for not realised it before now. It looks like it is not all about sport? How can that be ;) ?

Anyway fist museum I went to was keskus-sumi museum (central-Finland). This was a really nice experience. First, the museum itself was very well done. We walked through periods of time and saw how Jyväskylä grow up from nothing till what it is now. Second, I learned a lot of local history and realised that time is so fast changing! Final, the museum had free entrance! Never experienced that in Norway!

The second museum I visited was the Alvar Aalto museum. Also this museum had free entrance! Love it! Alvar Aalto was a great architect and designer who were born here in Jyväskylä. The museum quite small but it was still very much to see. How he lived and died and of course pictures, sketches and models of his work. Besides his work it was also other architects mentioned. That had basically the same style. A museum worth seeing if you are around!

My third exhibition was the Panda factory! Not much to say, mainly because it was not as I hoped. Looked forward to see some factory history and walking around in the factory. But I understand now that that was too much to ask.  So what I got was a factory-shop. Not complaining, but since I do not eat candy anymore it was not that a big deal.

My final museum was the nature museum here in Jyväskylä. If I was a child I would have loooooooved to be there! It was sounds, stars, animals and everything you can dream about! I have to admit that I loved it even I’m not that a small child anymore!!! Again I learned a lot about Finland and the region around here. The museum also knew how to make people smile by placing totally random things around. Take a look at the butterfly picture and see if you find something funny there!

søndag 22. april 2012

Group picture

Yesterday it was picture time, and this is the result:

Aprox. 130 smiling exchange students from all over the world =D